it’s Bahadır Sönmez

an iOS Developer

UIKit / SwiftUI

Two years of UIKit and SwiftUI experience. Used in car sharing, e-commerce shop, wedding planning and walk to earn applications

Augmented Reality

Apple's marvelous APIs and technologies as ARKit, SceneKit, SpriteKit, RealityKit, Reality Converter, Reality Composer, Image Tracking, Object Tracking and Face Tracking

Apple APIs

Apple's core APIs and utilities as HealthKit, CloudKit and Core Data

3rd party SDKs

Common SDKs as Firebase, Facebook, Adjust, Web Instant for analytics and crashlytics. Also Google Tag Manager, Google Maps, Alamofire and Masterpass

About Me

One and a half years as a Chemical Engineer and one year as founder and engineer of a scooter company called Hergele Electrics Scooters. With the curiosity and desire to learn, worked as an iOS developer for two years. Experienced in Swift, ARKit and SwiftUI.

Worked in a car-sharing app, Moov, very famous in Turkey; wedding planning app, Bolomio; walk to earn app, Walkers Coin; three online grocery app, Migros Sanalmarket, Macroonline and Tazedirekt, with over 4 million active users.

Latest Works

I strongly believe that Augmented Reality will rule the future with the development of smart glasses and fully integrated devices. Apple has a great focus on AR and it will be a game-changer. So my main focus on my personel projects is AR. AR Shop is under development and it will be a great project.


If you like my development skills in ARKit, Swift, SwiftUI and the usage of 3rd party SDKs...

get in touch

If you like my works, if you need an iOS developer, if you think I fit into your job,
please feel free to contact me.

More Info



Istanbul, Turkey